Thursday, January 13, 2011

Self-Publishing Isn't for Everyone

I usually reserve writing-related posts for my Word Press blog (, but since this is more of a rant than actual writing information, I decided to include it here. This is a topic that has been on my mind for the past few months and relates to postings on other writing sites, especially within the LinkedIn Groups. Don't get me wrong, I love LinkedIn, and the groups usually offer a great deal of important information that we can use as writers. However, I have a problem with self-published writers who attempt to "shove it down" our throats.

Provide Information but Reserve Your Opinions

While I understand that some people live and breathe the "benefits" of self-publishing, I do not happen to share those opinions. I also resent those same people telling me their version of the "facts." What I resent even more is those who tell me I don't know what I'm talking about or that my information is from an unreliable source even though it comes from published writers, publishers and agents. You have a right to choose what method of publishing is right for you, but please allow me to make that same choice without telling me I'd an idiot, stupid and relying on outdated information!

Let Me Make the Decision that is Right for Me

One of the biggest problems I see today is there are many writers choosing self-publishing because they immediately see dollar signs and think they are going to make more money because there are places such as CreateSpace and SmashWords that will allow them to create their work without charge (so they say--I have no idea) and just a percentage of sales. On the other hand, if they are not artistically creative which I am not they will need to pay someone to do a cover design even if they are only choosing e-book format.

What is this sudden need for self-published authors to tell the rest of us what we should and should not do? Why should I have to adhere to what those self-published authors do? Is this not a free economy that allows me to make my own decisions? I have my own reasons for preferring traditional publishing, not the least of which is the stigma that still surrounds the field of self-publishing because so many novice writers are in such a rush to see their name on a book or novel that they don't take the time to hire a professional editor in order to make certain the book is as perfect as they can make it.

What Is Right for You May be Wrong for Me

The bottom line is that no one can make a decision for another person nor can they know what is right for that person. There are many reasons I may feel self-publishing is not right for me, and I should be able to make that decision without being laughed at, ridiculed, called names or accused of being stupid or an idiot. If you don't agree with me that's fine but please don't try to insist I see things your way.

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